Stories from the Razor's Edge
Stories from the Razor's Edge
Reverse Engineering #29 Gems from the Season's Stories. Geoff Price
In this last episode of the season Geoff walks through the stories and pulls together the men’s hard won gems of wisdom. I’ve called the episode Reverse Engineering because I’m taking the stories back to 1st Principles, so you get the gems using The Rule of Life ..... repeat what works and has been rewarded. I’ll be looking at each story roughly through the lens of the 3 stages we spoke of in the last episode; firstly the outward journey to the Razors Edge, secondly the Great Turning at the edge, and thirdly, the inward journey home. These are stories from, if you like, the bar at the end of the universe, where you must go to meet those who have travelled the road before you, and know what you need to know. Together they add up to a collection of insights to live by.