Stories from the Razor's Edge
In Season 1; 29 unmissable episodes to learn how to grow. Wise men who have lived rich lives discuss their stories and gems of wisdom with therapist and menswork facilitator Geoff Price. Enlightening inside stories, many from leaders in Australian menswork, for everyman who wants to take his life on. Practical wisdom and insights all in one place, to help you navigate life, progress and grow. Visit: https://gumroad.com/razorsedge ... to download the free companion ebook "Licking Honey from the Razors Edge" an indispensable field guide for your journey; and also the Map of the Hero's Journey.
Stories from the Razor's Edge
It Wasn’t Little Max’s Fault # 16 Maxwell Reddin
Geoff Price
Season 1
Episode 16
Welcome to Stories from the Razors Edge. I’m Geoff Price and today I am proud to say that my guest is Maxwell Reddin. Maxwell is with me to tell what I think is a heroic story. Even the telling is heroic and I admire him for it. BY WAY OF WARNING: This interview contains a story of abuse that some listeners may find upsetting. It is not suitable for children. Max’s story is confronting. Yet, he has many gifts for us as he unfolds a boy’s long terrifying journey from the buried secrets and survival tactics of boyhood, to recovering his real self, and becoming a REAL man, who remarkably couldn’t ask for more. Max’s book “Real Time - A Boy’s Long Journey from Nowhere to Peace is available from Blurb.