Stories from the Razor's Edge
In Season 1; 29 unmissable episodes to learn how to grow. Wise men who have lived rich lives discuss their stories and gems of wisdom with therapist and menswork facilitator Geoff Price. Enlightening inside stories, many from leaders in Australian menswork, for everyman who wants to take his life on. Practical wisdom and insights all in one place, to help you navigate life, progress and grow. Visit: https://gumroad.com/razorsedge ... to download the free companion ebook "Licking Honey from the Razors Edge" an indispensable field guide for your journey; and also the Map of the Hero's Journey.
Stories from the Razor's Edge
Listen Up! #13 Professor Ric Day
Geoff Price
Season 1
Episode 13
Geoff’s guest today is Professor Ric Day, a medical doctor, teacher, a researcher at St Vincents Hospital and UNSW where he is a practicing Rheumatologist and Clinical Pharmacologist. Ric has received many awards, including in 2000 a Member of the Order of Australia, the AMA Distinguished Service Award in 2009. Ric reveals how he learned to communicate, what it has meant to him, and his secret to a fulfilling life.